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Magnifiers for the Visually Impaired

Magnifiers for the Visually Impaired

LS&S offers a wide variety of magnifiers in nearly every function (near vision, distance vision) for nearly every budget. Choose stand, pocket and hands-free magnifiers from high quality manufacturers including Coil, Bausch & Lomb, Beecher, Walters and OptiVisor.  LS&S also carries its own brand of value priced magnifiers for low vision.

Magnification Products

  • Illuminated Pocket Magnifiers - Pocket magnifiers allow you to perform close work for short periods of time. Bring these portable magnifiers to restaurants, grocery stores or wherever you go!
  • Illuminated Stand Magnifiers – Stand magnifiers are easy to hold and keep steady because they are placed directly on the subject. Magnification with this device is suitable for tasks which take time, such as reading a book or text from a computer screen.
  • Non- illuminated Stand Magnifiers - Hand-held models by Coil
  • Fresnel Magnifiers - Magnify large images for easier reading.
  • Binoculars and Monoculars - offer distance and wide angle viewing.
  • Hands Free Magnifiers - Visors and head loupes, clip-ons and over the neck magnifiers; these leave your hands free for other tasks.